Build your own chatbot with minimal changes

Comes with 5 predefined styles and you can define your own styles as well


npm install react--customizable-chat-bot or Yarn add  react--customizable-chat-bot


List of questions to be asked by bot the can be passed . Take a look at example questions structure here!

import { Bot, BotConfig } from 'react--customizable-chat-bot'

BotConfig has some default set of questions and styles which you can override.

Adding Validators to user response

If you need to validate user response , under each question we have a handlers where you can pass validators to validate user response and drive the chat accordingly aston martin lagonda aktie

Validators can either be a regex or a function which returns boolean

BotConfig.questions = [{'dob': {
          id: 1,
          message: "What's your Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)?",
          questionKey : 'dob',
          handlers: [
                  validators: dateReg,
                  nextQuestion: 'email',
                  validators: dateRegNeg,
                  nextQuestion: 'dobWrong',
      }},'dobWrong': {
          id: 2,
          message: "Please enter a valid date of birth",
          questionKey : 'dob',
          handlers: [
                  validators: dateReg,
                  nextQuestion: 'email',
                  validators: dateRegNeg,
                  nextQuestion: 'dobWrong',

Customizing the Styles

By Default there are 5 themes available


You can chose any of these themes as below

import { Bot, BotConfig } from 'react--customizable-chat-bot'
import { Themes } from 'react--customizable-chat-bot/lib/config/config';
BotConfig.Theme = Themes.GoogleAssitant;

You can entirely redefine the ui styles based on your brand.
Take a look at List of custom style option available here!

Once your styling is ready you can pass it as a props to the bot component

import { Bot, BotConfig , IStyles } from 'react--customizable-chat-bot'
const myStyles: IStyles = {
  primaryColor: "#4870df",
  sendButtonColor: "#4870df",
  userAvatar: '',
  userAvatarColor: '#4870df',
  userAvatarTextColor: '#fff',
  botAvatar: "",
  botAvatarColor: '#e6e5eb',
  botAvatarTextColor: '#000',
  bubbleRadius: "0",
  botMessageBubbleColor: '#4870df',
  botMessageTextColor: '#fff',
  userMessageBubbleColor: '#e6e5eb',
  userMessageTextColor: '#000',
  inputBoxBorderRadius: '40px',
  primaryLabelColor: '#000',
export const MyFunc() => <Bot config={BotConfig}  customStyles={myStyles}/>

You should pass a function to onConversationEnd props of Bot component to get the conversation data which we will a json string

import { Bot, BotConfig } from 'react--customizable-chat-bot'
const onConversationEnd = (converstationData : string ) => {
export const MyFunc() => <Bot config={BotConfig}  onConversationEnd={onConversationEnd}/>